Idec Sport waiting to leave again

Courses 2016-2017

Créé le:
3 December 2016 / 7:16
Modifié le:
6 December 2016 / 11:24

Turning back after only one week into the race has in no way dented the morale or determination of Francis Joyon and his five fellow crewmembers. The Idec Sport team arrived back in Brest on Saturday afternoon, and is now waiting for favorable weather conditions so that it can set off in pursuit of the Jules Verne Trophy once again.

©Mer et Média / Idec Sport
©Mer et Média / Idec Sport


Last Sunday, after a promising start to their race attempt, the crew’s six sailors decided to backtrack after coming across a mighty setback in the Doldrums, which lost them precious hours in their attempt to set a new record on the course. Less than one week later, the crew is back at the port of Brest, once again on stand-by for an encouraging weather window.

Remember that their first attempt, starting on 20 November, wagered on a strategy, jointly concocted by Francis Joyon and Marcel Van Triest, Idec Sport’s router and weatherman. After a difficult departure from Ushant, the team sped to the Bay of Biscay, then along the Moroccan coast. But the Doldrums would finally get the better of Francis Joyon, Bernard Stamm, Alex Pella, Gwénolé Gahinet, Clément Surtel and Boris Herrmann, forcing them to turn back.

When conditions point their way, the six men will once again attack the record set by Loïck Peyron in 2012 (45 days, 13 hours, 42 minutes and 53 seconds).


Isabelle Trancoen (article translated from French)

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